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Riding to stay fit: The new mantra for delivery boys of logistics companies

Now as we embark on a new century, we present this special issue, our I 177th .... later rejected after a big meal, and returned to the leasing company—if they still want it. ... Our personal doctors are paid only for as long as we remain healthy. ...

Faering Capital withdraws investment in Snowman Logistics

Faering Capital, a private equity fund started by Deepak Parekh’s son Aditya Parekh and childhood friend Sameer Shroff, have exited its investment in Snowman Logistics, the largest integrated cold-chain service provider in India offering warehousing, transport and other value-added services...

When Bringing Manufacturing Operations Back to the U.S. is the Right Choice

Reshoring — the act of bringing operations back onto U.S. soil — is a reaction to the myriad problems ... Overseas manufacturing operations can hinder innovation and flexibility, as well. ... and corporate headquarters, and even weather are factors that should be weighed in this decision. Getting your small-scale deal right....